
The third main goal of the website project is creating a static page generator. Put simply, I want to type pages in markdown, pass the file path or the whole text to the generator, and have it spit out HTML for the page. Simple enough.

At first, I wanted to use C for this project, as I like C, but have generally avoided strings as much as I can. However, I've heard a lot of good things about a Rust library for making CLI applications called CLAP, and Rust has much nicer strings in general. I don't like writing Rust, but I think it is good to know, and this is a small program so I won't have to live and breathe Rust.

I'm not a fan of Rust for two reasons. One, I find it really annoying to code in. Two, I find it really annoying how much it is being pushed. It feels like javascript, it keeps being used for things not because it is the right choice, but just because it can. That's fine, I originally wanted to write this program in C. But I wouldn't recommend the average person do that. It seems like people are being pushed to write everything in Rust.