Really, I just want the site to have some information about things I'm working on and have done and possibly a blog section. I'm sure there'll be more I want to add once I start reaching the end of this list, but my main goal is not webdev, so it probably won't be too much more than this. Currently, the site is simply a completely static site with a bunch of links to navigate around hosted on I am actually copy and pasting common elements such as the side navigation bar into each file and updating it in all of them when it changes. That kind of sucks, but it is fine for now.

Eventually, I want to have the website be nice, look nice, and be running on my own computer with a server generating the webpages. Typing HTML also is not fun, so I think I'll try to make a simple static site generator sooner rather than later. As I don't need any fancy features, I might try making this server myself when the time comes. I'd want it to generate the pages with a common side navigation bar and stylesheet, and an html file for the main content of the page. I want to do as much as I can without javascript, although I'll use it if I have to. By hosting it on my own computer, the end experience might not be as fast, but I don't expect to have too many visitors in the first place and unless it's horribly slow, people that are looking for me can wait a few seconds.

To summarize my goals for this site roughly in order of when they'd be completed:

  1. Make sidenavigation bar the way I want
  2. Add a summary page like this one for the assembly line project
  3. Add an updates section to this page with the most recent update, and a history of dated updates elsewhere
  4. Make a static site generator so I don't need to write HTML
  5. Make a server that can handle the site generation from HTML files and a common template
  6. Move to a more "real" hosting service so I can actually use my server
  7. Move to my own computer

If I can actually achieve everything I've set out to do here, I think I'll have sated my meager interest in webdev.